Thursday, January 29, 2009

Special Comment: China is Not Communist

It is an incorrect statement often repeated by those who know little or nothing at all. It’s also the favourite lie of any educated capitalist. One they know very well is not true. A lie propagated by them in an effort to keep the people’s revolution from achieving victory. It covers up the true effects of capitalism every time it is spoken. A lie that is always repeated even by popular liberals Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert.

China is a Communist country.

The statement is laughable to us Communists, socialists, anarchists and libertarians. But apparently not the general uninformed public.

China's industry is almost completely privatized. The government runs virtually nothing at all. The means of production are all in the private businessman's hands. Citizens can own stock in private companies.

If we are looking for evidence of communism in China, the first and most important place to look is at the economy. The economy in China is now decidedly capitalist. Chinese citizens can start their own businesses and put their income into private bank accounts. Chinese citizens can buy stocks in companies and enjoy the revenues or suffer the losses. As of just a few years ago, private property rights have been greatly enhanced in China. Let us not forget about the heavy international investment that has been permitted in China which has played a major role in fuelling this developing and booming economy. As a result, there are very rich people and very poor people in China as well as a small emerging middle class.

A good many of the businesses in China are wholly dependent on foreign investment in order to operate. Their entire demand comes from another country. There are entire industries in China that depend on foreign trade. This is not Communism at all, not even close.

Everyone notices that there is no democracy in China. Always Communism is blamed for their being no democracy. But what say these people now? Clearly there is no Communism, but also no democracy. Is capitalism blamed for the lack of democracy?

No, you don't have to admit that capitalism is to blame. You can lie and keep saying that it is Communism. Even when it is obviously not there.
The have to lie in order to continue to make us look bad. So when you hear someone say China is a Communist country... Say... "No its not you idiot." Or in the case of someone who already knows, "Stop lying you propaganda whore."

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